Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hello! :D

Hey directioners! :D I know I'm asking a lot...but I wanted to see if anyone would read my One Direction Fan Fiction :)  Here's the link:
If you read it thank you! And please don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it! :D THANKS!  I'll leave you with a picture of the boys' :)

Monday, January 21, 2013


Sorry for not posting in FOREVER! I kinda sorta forgot my password...haha... Anywhoooo.... A lot has happened since September..... Niall and Zayn both had their birthdays.  The whole Haylor thing...the interesting Niall trends and rumors about some foreign girl blackmailing him....  I honestly don't know what to believe anymore....So I'll just leave you with this wonderful picture of our boys'!
Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Take Me Home

So apparently their new album 'Take Me Home' is coming out on November 13....but you can preorder it on September 3rd! I hope the US can :) I can't wait for it to come out! It's sad that it's not coming out for a few months.  I think they're trying to torture us so we will listen to it forever....not that I won't anyway......idk people make no sense to me now days....
Anywayyyy, I'm starting school the 4th so I probably won't be here as much....not that anyone looks at this.....maybe I should go on Tumblr.....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Single

I was so excited to pre-order this...and then BAM! Is not availible for pre-order in the US.  Seriously.  You just got my hopes up to tell me that it isn't availible for me.  That's so nice of you.  But it will be coming out sometime in October, I think, so it's all good. :D

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Love These Boys

They look so mad.. And look at their hair!  Harry's is so short and Liam's is still in a beiber cut. I love these boys so much.  I think I finally see why my friend looks at me crazy when I talk about them.. I always freak over one picture.  And I swear I've seen every interview on Youtube.  But enough about me.  These boys have come so far from when they started in the X-Factor.  I'm extremly proud of them and all they've done.

Come With Us To Neverland!

Whoever makes cartoons of One Direction..You guys are my heroes.  I laugh so hard when seeing this. 

Haz and Nialler :)

Oh lordie.  You have to admit, you laughed. :)